Keywords: irrigation, sugar beet, productivity, sugar content, sugar collection
// Мелиорация.– 2022. – №3(101) – P 13–18
The results of three-year field studies on the effect of irrigation on the yield and quality of sugar beet are presented. While sugar beet irrigated on sod-podzolic light loamy soils, the maximum yield was observed on a variant with a lower limit of humidity regulation of 70 % HB in a layer of 0-40 cm. The sugar content of root crops according to the variants of the experiment practically did not differ, the difference was less than 1%. The largest collection of refined sugar was obtained in the irrigation variant with a lower limit of soil moisture regulation of 70% HB and with fertilizer doses within the limits of N90–120P70–100K150–260 . When the dose of fertilizers to N150P110K300 increased, there was no increase in the collection of refined sugar. In general, it can be concluded that irrigation gives a significant increase in yield without reducing the sugar content in root crops.