The effect of micronutrients on the yield of winter cereals on anthropogenically transformed peat soils
Национальная академия наук Беларуси

РУП "НПЦ НАН Беларуси по земледелию"

Республиканское научное дочернее унитарное предприятие
Author: A. L. Biryukovich, V. N. Filippov
Article code: UDC 631.81: 633.1: 631.445

Keywords:  reclaimed anthropogenically transformed peat soils, yield, microelements, winter grain crops, crop structure, foliar top dressing, phase of plant development

Мелиорация.– 2024. – №2 (108). – P 32–38

On anthropogenically transformed peat soils, the maximum yield of winter triticale grain (54.7 c/ha) was obtained by introducing Adobe profit into the tillering phase and entering the tube, and the composition Ecogum Mn + Ecogum Cu + Microstim B into the earing phase. The increase was 41.7%. The same yield (59.7 c/ha) was obtained when applying Ecosil + Ecohum FC + Ecohum Complex (the Time of the Resumption of Spring Vegetation and outlet into the tube) + Ecosil + Ecohum Complex (earing). Winter rye when introduced into the tillering phase of Ecosil+Adobe profit + Ecogum Mn + Ecogum Cu + Microstim B generated a yield of 51.4 c/ha. The increase in yield was obtained by increasing the length of the ear by 5.7%. The introduction of Ecosil + Adobe profit + Ecogum Mn + Ecogum Cu + Microstim B into the tillering phase and exit into the tube and Ecosil + Ecogum Mn + Ecogum Cu + Microstim B into the earing phase ensured a grain yield of 53.4 c/ha.