Keywords: drainage polymer geocomposites, waterabsorbing devices, horizontal drainage, closed relief drops, throughput capacity of structures, surface runoff, soil tray
Мелиорация.– 2024. – №1 (107). – P 5–15
The results of studies of the effectiveness of experimental absorbing columns with the use of polymer drainage geocomposites for the removal of surface water from closed waterlogged depressions of reclamation objects with poorly water-permeable soils are presented. Design solutions of water-absorbing devices, results of laboratory tests of throughput capacity are given. The influence of geocomposites on the increase in the throughput capacity of the absorber columns is noted. The technology of building absorbent columns at the «YelnyaAgro» reclamation facility in the Sharkovshchinsky district of the Vitebsk region is described. The effectiveness of their work on the removal of excess water is shown, especially in the spring, which is the most intense in
preparing farmland for field work.