Keywords: water well, hydraulics, pump, pumping, filtration, specific flow rate, inspection
Мелиорация.– 2023. – №4 (106). – P 33–41
The rationale for the construction of two-column twofilter water wells is presented based on the results of field studies of experimental wells of various designs: a typical single-column well, a two-column two-filter well with filters at the same level and connecting jumpers, and a singlecolumn well with a two-section filter, drilled in the village of Primorye, Minsk region. The calculation of the rock filtration coefficient is described, which characterizes both
the filter resistance and the indicator of the generalized resistance of the filter and the filter zone. The results of field studies of an operating two-column two-filter well in the village of Voyskaya, Kamenets district, Brest region, are presented.