Influence of power system on the productivity of Alfalfa variable on reclaimed mineral lands of Poozerie

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Национальная академия наук Беларуси

РУП "НПЦ НАН Беларуси по земледелию"

Республиканское научное дочернее унитарное предприятие
Author: A. L. Biryukovich, A. V. Tsublenok
Article code: UDC 633.317:631.445

Keywords:   alfalfa variable, yield, botanical composition, coenotic activity of the component, fertilizers, elements of hillside

// Мелиорация.— 2023. – №3(105) – С 66–72

In the conditions of sloping soils of Poozerie, the maximum yield of alfalfa variable – 105.5–108.1 kg/ha of dry weight – on average for two years, was formed in
the middle of the slope on drained slightly washed sodpodzolic gleevate, light loamy soil with the introduction of PK + Nanoplant – Co, Мn, Сu, Fe. On slightly soiled sodpodzolic cohesive sandy soil (the top of the slope), the increase in yield from fertilization was 12.6 %, and with an increase in their dose was 6.1 %. The proportion of alfalfa variable in the harvest was high and amounted to 83.9–87.9 %, and fertilization practically did not change its content in the herbage. At the top of the slope, the net photosynthesis productivity of alfalfa changeable in the third year of life was 37.5 % higher on average during the growing season than in its middle. The value of the net productivity of photosynthesis without fertilization increased from the first mowing to the third. At the top of the slope, when fertilizing, its value decreased by 27.0–43.6 %.