Keywords: salinization, groundwater, amounts of salt, productivity
// Мелиорация.— 2023. – №3(105) – С 51–55
The purpose of the paper is to determine the current state of irrigated soils of the Kura-Araz lowland for cotton and grain crops. Studies have been carried out in the experimental area near Seyidsadykhly (area 2.5 hectares). The amount, composition and types of soils have been determined; their productivity has been studied. The results of the analysis have showed that the amount of salts in the 0–100 cm soil layer used for cotton and cereals was 0.22–0.39 and 0.00, 18–0.48 %, respectively. The types of salts of these soils in terms of the total number of Cl ions and the ratio of Cl:SO4 are sulfate-chloric. During the study period, the productivity of cotton was 30–35 c/ha, grain – 28–30 c/ha. The pH has been determined to vary between 7.12 and 7.71.