Influence of erosion of sod-podzolic soils on the productivity of agricultural crops on the slopes of different exposures

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Национальная академия наук Беларуси

РУП "НПЦ НАН Беларуси по земледелию"

Республиканское научное дочернее унитарное предприятие
Author: M. M. Tsybulka, V. B. Tsyribko, A. M. Ustinova, I. I. Zhukova, S. D. Voronovich
Article code: UDC 631.459:631.445.2:633

Keywords: eroded soils, slope exposure, yield, agricultural cropsl

// Мелиорация.— 2023. – №2(104) – С 52–59

The results of long-term stationary field experiments on the study of crop productivity on sod-podzolic light loamy soils subject to water erosion located on the slopes of the southern and northern exposures are summarized. It has been established that winter grain crops reduce the yield on slightly washed soils from 0.21 to 0.75 t/ha (by 3–12 %), on medium and heavily washed soils it reaches 1.04 and 1.93 t/ha (17–21 %) respectively. On soils with the same degree of washout, the yield reduction on the slope of the northern exposure is more significant compared to the southern slope. The decrease in the yield of spring grain crops and spring rapeseed on slightly washed soils ranges from 0.05 to 0.46 t/ha or from 1 to 9 %. The shortage of yield of spring wheat and spring rapeseed on heavily washed soils reaches 21–22 %. The productivity of spring wheat, barley and spring rapeseed on the slope of the northern exposure is lower than on the slope of the southern exposure. Potato crop shortages vary depending on soil erosion in the range of 1.29-2.30 t/ha (5–8 %). The influence of the slope exposure is not as significant as in other cultures. Seed peas and alfalfa are most responsive to soil erosion. The decrease in the yield of peas on medium - and heavily washed soils is 0.69–0.73 t/ha of grain or 27 %, alfalfa – 15.42–18.50 t/ha of green mass or 22–30 %. The influence of soil erosion also depends on the slope exposure – on the slope of the northern exposure, the negative influence increases.