Innovative technologies for the use of nitrogen fertilizers

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Национальная академия наук Беларуси

РУП "НПЦ НАН Беларуси по земледелию"

Республиканское научное дочернее унитарное предприятие
Author: N. N. Semenenko
Article code: UDC631.84:001.895

Keywords: soil, diagnostics, nitrogen fertilizers, innovative technologies, yield, efficiency

// Мелиорация.– 2022. – №2(100) – P 40–48

A method for diagnosing the provision of soils with a form of the nitrogen that is potentially assimilated by plants has been proposed for wide use in production as the basis for innovative technologies for the use of nitrogen fertilizers. Grades for the provision of soddypodzolic soils with potentially assimilable nitrogen and for the need for agricultural crops in nitrogen fertilizers for the planned yield, for basic application and top dressing of plants, for correction factors for fertilizer doses have been elaborated. Application of doses of nitrogen fertilizers differentiated by fields given the data on the content of Nst in soils ensures an increase in the yield of grain crops in comparison with the basic technology up to 6–10 kg/ha and payment for 1 kg of fertilizer nitrogen by 1.7 times with a decrease in losses by 17–24 and saving fertilizer nitrogen up to 20 kg/ha of a. i., reduction of mineralization of organic substances by 12–26 % and loss of soil humus.