Soil vulnerability to droughs in the conditions of the earthwarm of the Belarusian Polessie
Национальная академия наук Беларуси

РУП "НПЦ НАН Беларуси по земледелию"

Республиканское научное дочернее унитарное предприятие
Author: A. S. Meerovsky, V. I. Melnik, V. M. Yatsukhno
Article code: UDC 631.432:519.22

Keywords: agricultural soils, soil moisture reserves, agrohydrological constants, soil vulnerability, soil drought,
capillary rupture moisture, total field moisture capacity, climate warming, drained soils 

// Мелиорация.– 2021. – №2(96) – P 29–36

The article presents the results of a study devoted to the typification of soils of agricultural lands in the region
of Belarusian Polessie according to the degree of their vulnerability (predisposition) to droughts. For this, an assessment was made of the moisture content of these soils during the period of climate warming (1989–2018), and the dynamics of their moisture reserves during the growing season (April – October) was revealed. Using the example of agricultural land use in the Kalinkovichi and Pinsk administrative districts, we show the spatial difference and soil fertility in terms of their vulnerability to droughts, which requires the use of differentiated measures to adapt them to mitigate the consequences of climate change.