Keywords: introduction, oilseeds, peanuts, krambe, productivity, agrophone, irrigation, perspective, biodiversity
// Мелиорация.– 2021. – №1(95) – P 45–49
In recent decades, due to global warming, the territory of the Western Caspian Sea becomes promising for the cultivation of many thermophilic crops, including industrial and oil-bearing species. The North Caucasian branch has carried out research on the introduction of non-traditional plant species with high oil content and multipurpose use. Among them, we have identified the crops of peanuts and krambe. To introduce them into production, bioecological features were studied, the optimal sowing dates were determined, coinciding with the onset of the actual ripeness of the soil in the region
(+10 °C), this is the end of April – the first half of May. The period from germination to full ripeness under the new growing conditions was 125 days for peanuts, 98 days for krambe. The positive effect of mineral fertilizers on the seed productivity of introduced plants has been established. The use of new types of high-oil crops that have shown a high adaptability to environmental factors, stability in obtaining high yields will increase the vegetative potential of the region’s agroforestry landscapes.