Keywords: irrigation, meadow clover, crude protein,metabolic energy, raw material conveyor, productivity.
// Мелиорация.– 2020. – №1(91) – P 71–78
The main objective of the experiment was to develop options for a raw material conveyor on sod-podzolic light loamy soils from varieties of early ripening clover. The studies involved clover varieties of Belarusian breeding: Tsudouny, Yantarny, Vitebchanin,Mereya. The cultivation of meadow clover was carried out under various conditions of moisture supply. The irrigation of meadow clover had an impact only on the nutrition and productivity of grass stands, having no effect on the time of ripening phases of each variety.It has been found out that modern varieties of meadow clover make it possible to harvest feed for 10–15 days without reducing feed value. Based on the analysis of experimental data, two options for organizing a raw material conveyor have been developed.