Radioecological assessment of 137CS-contaminated areas in the south-east of Belarus accordind to the degree of land suitability for the cultivation of tall blueberries
Национальная академия наук Беларуси

РУП "НПЦ НАН Беларуси по земледелию"

Республиканское научное дочернее унитарное предприятие
Author: A. V. Yarmolenka, N. N. Tsybulka, I. I. Zhukova, N. B. Tupitsyna
Article code: UDC 634.737+539.1.04+631.153

Keywords: tall blueberry, 137Cs, land suitability, grouping of districts

// Мелиорация.– 2020. – №3(93) – P 65–71

Based on the analysis of radiological and soil factors, an assessment was made of the radioecological suitability of agricultural lands in the southeastern part of Belarus contaminated with 137Cs for cultivation of tall blueberries. Four groups of regions were identified: with high, medium, low and very low suitability of lands.  The results of the work can be used in planning the placement of tall blueberry plantations in the regions affected by the Chernobyl accident.