Resource-saving technological regulation mow ing and removal of grass and water vegetation along the banks and beds of channels in Polesie

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Национальная академия наук Беларуси

РУП "НПЦ НАН Беларуси по земледелию"

Республиканское научное дочернее унитарное предприятие
Author: N.M. Avramenko, E.N. Yatsushkevich
Article code: UDC 626.861:630*332


Keywords: channels, herbal and aquatic vegetation, mowing, repeated, the optimal time, saving labor costs

// Мелиорация.— 2019. – №2(88) – P 34—41

The results of research aimed at establishing the frequency and optimal timing of mowing and removal of grass and aquatic vegetation along the banks and beds of channels. Established that this work is enough to be done 1 time per year. The optimal timing is the period from the first decade of August till the beginning of the first decade of September. Compliance with these conditions will give the following advantages over the current technological regulations for the care work on the channels. First, a 2-fold reduction in the required length of mowing will reduce labor costs for mechanized and manual work per 1 km of channel strips with a slope width of 1.9–5.5 m, respectively, by 0.84–2.96 machine-hour and 2,28–6,24 man-hour. Secondly, in the established optimal period of mowing, favorable conditions for its implementation are created, in terms of the small presence along the channels of untidy crops.