Influence of long-term irrigation by livestock wastewater on the phytoxicity of the sod-podzolic soil
Национальная академия наук Беларуси

РУП "НПЦ НАН Беларуси по земледелию"

Республиканское научное дочернее унитарное предприятие
Author: T. N. Myslyva, T. N. Tkacheva
Article code: UDC 628.381.4:631.416.8:631.445.4

Keywords: irrigation, livestock wastewater, soil, phytotoxicity, germination, growth indices.

// Мелиорация.— 2019. – №1(87) – P 57—63

It has been established that prolonged irrigation by livestock wastewater with norms equivalent to 200–400 kg/ha of nitrogen does not significantly affect the phytotoxicity of sod-podzolic sandy loam soils for the representatives of the families Pоaceae, Fabaceae and Brassicaceae, however, it increases the content of acid-soluble copper in the soil by 0.13, 0.74 and 0.75 mg/kg, respectively, compared to the reference soil. According to the resistance to prolonged irrigation with manure-containing wastewater, the representatives of the families Pоaceeae, Fabaceae and Brassicaceae are arranged in such a decreasing order: radish olive> peas > winter rye > oats> spring rape > spring barley