Technique of phytotoxicity assessment of peat soils of various stages of transformation
Национальная академия наук Беларуси

РУП "НПЦ НАН Беларуси по земледелию"

Республиканское научное дочернее унитарное предприятие
Author: L.N. Luchenok, V.A. Grudinskya, A.I. Patsevich
Article code: UDC 631.427:631.445.12

Keywords: peat soils, organic matter, soil herbicides

// Мелиорация. – 2018. – №3(85).– P.50—53

Modified hytotoxicity assessment methodology of soils with the high percentage of organic matter was presented. This methodology allows to get comparable evaluation results on soils with various percentage of organic matter. Besides it allows to estimate phytotoxicity of the polluted soils and to form experimental conditions with different types and doses of carcinogens. The convergence of results on this technique is less than 5 %.