Plant raw materials of grasslands and pastures

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Национальная академия наук Беларуси

РУП "НПЦ НАН Беларуси по земледелию"

Республиканское научное дочернее унитарное предприятие
Author: A.L. Birukovich, R.T. Pastushok
Article code: UDC 633.2 /.3 : 636.085.51

Keywords: cereal and legume-cereal grass stand, triple mowing use, food quality, productivity, concentration of exchange energy

// Мелиорация. – 2016. – №4(78).– С. 44—48

Due to triple mowing and mineral fertilizing meadow grass stands have a high productivity what allows us to obtain a food of exchange energy content of more than 10.0 MJ in 1 kg of dry weight. Legume cereal with Trifolium repens and hybrid, Trifolium repens and alfalfa, grass stand with tall fescue and Trifolium repens have good quality results. Invasion of non-sown species (Taraxacum officinale) was in 1,8 times less in legume -cereal phytocenosis than in cereal one in moisture deficit.